Waiting for Finishing Asynchronous Calls in AngularJS
Here I’ll try to describe a few ways of waiting for asynchronous calls finish in AngularJS, from simplest to more complicated.
Simplest option from documentation about $http
When we use $http
service, we can set two methods which will call only after http request, “success” and “error”
.success(function(data, status, header, config){
console.log('SUCCESS', data, status, header, config);
.error(function(data, status, header, config){
console.log('ERROR', data, status, header, config);
Do something after load, using ngResource
Just add call of method of $promise
- then
Cat.get({name: 'Barsik'})
console.log('AFTER GET CAT', cat);
Waiting for a couple of calls (not http).
Here we can use defer
from service $q
var deferred = $q.defer();
var promise = deferred.promise
Waiting for a couple of http requests
Here we need $q
service too. We should collect all promises of $http
to the list and then using $q.all
wait for all of them finish
var promises = [];
// do something after all http requests